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Saturday, February 13, 2010

4th day update

So, I haven't had a soda or coffee today at all. I'm feeling pretty good. I did "mess up" and had leftover fried fish today. One change at a time though. I'm not going to give up something else until I know that I can completely manage my caffeine and soda addiction.

What do you think I need to change next? Diet or Exercise?

If I change my diet, do you think I should practically eliminate fried food from my diet?

If I change my exercise routine, do you think I should start by walking on a tredmill?

I'm only looking to change one small thing at a time - and I know that soda was a major first step, but it makes me think that if I can kick this habit, then I can do anything!


  1. Keep up the good work and food choices. I would totally eliminate any kind of fried food from my diet. Southerners have a bad habit of frying everything, and it is so fattening.

    If you don't have access to an elliptical or treadmill, then walking in the neighbourhood is just as good.

    You definitely have to make incremental changes, but diet and exercise should be combined, in my opinion. Be consistent with a diet, you can be less strict about exercise at first.

  2. Why haven't you posted anything lately? I check your blog every day. ~Brother
