So, a couple weeks ago, I measured myself on a scale - instead of the Wii fit thing, like usual. It said that I weighed 266lbs. This morning, just for fun, I weighed myself again. It said 261lbs. So, this evening, I am going to try to weigh myself again on the Wii fit scale again, just to see if that might be correct. It's exciting! If I did lose weight, I would be about 5lbs of weight loss for my efforts!
I haven't actually put a lot of effort into losing the weight. Just small and simple changes in my lifestyle and diet. So, let me just reiterate some of the things that I have done so far:
1. Researched foods that are high in calories and bad fat. Then stayed away from them.
2. Quit drinking soda from day one - and have felt much better ever since. No caffeine in my system - even though I am considering drinking green tea.
3. No fried foods. If it has to be fried, I make sure that it is in EVOO. Although, Chick-fil-A has no entree/burger that is over 500 calories. So, if you want to make a meal and know that it's going to take 500 calories within your diet - you can eat it.
4. Eat healthy snacks. - get rid of all your junk food - if you have to have chips, eat Sun chips. Buy fruits and veggies. Throw away your ranch and get light ranch or a vinegarette.
6. More more. - start exercising - it will not only make you lose weight, but you will also feel better and be able to do more then usual. You will get a confidence boost and won't feel so out of shape. Your ego will increase - knowing that you can do something that you were previously unable to do.
7. Find support. - it can be from family and friends - or like me, on the internet. Just tell someone that you are trying to lose weight and ask them to help you by not letting you eat unhealthy foods. Or, tell someone that you have eaten something unhealthy so you will be able to feel guilty about it and then do something about it.
So, that's just some of the things that I have done so far. And so far, so good. I can't wait until the next 5 pounds comes off, so I can buy myself a blowgun!
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