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Monday, April 5, 2010


Hello all,

So, I have lost about 15lbs so far, and I'm getting pretty close to 16lbs lost so far. I have been walking/jogging on the tredmills at the Activity Center on the ULM campus. I have been watching what I have been eating. I did slip up yesterday and had some chocolate because it was Easter Sunday. I feel like if I don't have a taste of something I want, I'm just going to binge on something else I want later. So, INDULGE!

Still not drinking soda pop. By not drinking it, I have eliminated about 1000 liquid calories out of my diet. In addition, I have been exercising and burning anywhere from 500 to 700 calories and have been lifting weights on top of that. I can definitely tell that I have gained more muscle.

I have had a few slip ups, but we all do. Besides, I'm doing slow lifestyle changes rather then any fad diets. I'm not really even counting calories. Two to three pounds per week of fat loss is a pretty good rate for me. I calculate that I should be close to 200lbs (my goal) I should lose about 1.8lbs per week until December of this year.