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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Easy workout

Hello all,

This morning I did a really easy workout, I only ran off 400 calories on the tredmill and did about an hours worth of exercise total. I haven't checked my weight since I got down to 256lbs. I will probably check it this weekend.

I have no idea what I am going to eat for lunch. I will probably get something at the Student Union Building with Heather. I'm going to start having to pack my lunches because we have no money in our wallets or in flex dollars at school.

I have to find a steady job soon. It's bothering me that I haven't been able to find steady work lately. I am going to fill out more and more applications until someone wants to hire me. I'll probably end up working at a grocery store - but hey - it's steady work and will pay the bills.

Please pray for me. I completely forgot about my Geology exam yesterday - and failed to take it at all sometime during the day. I e-mailed my professor, but she just had a baby this morning and will probably not be able to e-mail me back for a week or two. I hope she opens it back up for me because I have nearly perfect attendance and I have never missed an exam in my life! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Early morning

I have an advising meeting at 12:40 and a Geology exam I got to get done before 11pm tonight. My only class is at 2:00 which is Louisiana History. It's hard to get up and get my day started for one class.

I'm fixin' to make myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch, and figure out what else I can put in the bag. I'm going to make today be a good day.

Monday, March 29, 2010

I'm excited

I can't believe that I have pretty much lost 3.3 pounds in the last week. It makes me happy that I can see a difference on the scale every week. It motivates me to do better every single day.

I want others to do this as well. If you know you need to lose weight, follow with me and make the changes to your diet that I have. You will lose the weight and be able to keep it off in the long run. This is because I haven't done any major changes to my diet, but I have changed my lifestyle and have been persistent in my changes. You can do this too!

1 month 28 days = no soda

I challenge you!

I challenge you to not drink soda for two months. See how much weight you lose and how much better you feel. Take my challenge!

Other rules:

1. Don't replace soda with fruit juice, power aide, gatoraide, or any other sports drinks with a lot of sugar.

2. Don't stop drinking milk, but maybe switch to a lower percent. I.E. going from 2% to 1% or going from 1% to skim. Trust me, there isn't much difference after a couple of gallons.

3. Have fun and be more active in your life!

Feeling good today

I'm a little tired and hungry right now. My wife and I woke up and worked out together at the Activity Center on campus. I burned through about 630calories this morning and did another 70 or so by lifting weights.

I'm getting pretty good at the assisted pull ups machine. I'm putting on less and less weight on the assist, so that's good. Makes me feel like I am really gaining muscle. I don't know how much I can bench right now because I haven't done it in awhile, but someone said that if I work on my pull ups that my bench press weight will increase as well. So, we will see.

Today I ate only one burrito supreme at Taco Bell- and had some water, of course. I think I'm hungry right now mainly because I'm thirsty and need more water. I'll take care of that in a few minutes.

I currently weigh 256 pounds and my new goal this week is to be 254lbs. I think 2 pounds a week is reasonable. I would try for more, but I don't want to get too greedy.

If I drop this weight, I swear - I will write a book on how to do it. lol!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday is an awesome day.

Today I got up and went to church. Then we ate out and watched "Diary of a Wimpy Kid." I weighed myself this morning and I lost another 3.3 pounds. Since I have started this weight loss plan, I have lost a total of 9 pounds and my BMI has changed by 1. Since 6 months ago, I have lost a total of 14 pounds over all.

My wife and I went for a walk this evening. She showed me all the "good" streets to walk down, so I know a good jogging route on the weekends when I can't go to the activity center. This evening we're going to work on our taxes a little and watch the end of "Grace is Gone" and maybe do some homework or something.

Tomorrow is a new day.

Friday, March 26, 2010

It's Friday Night!

Sorry for leaving everyone waiting today. That exam I had in Political Science.. I made an 88, which is not that bad! Today I had to go to school and work. I didn't get to exercise this morning because of some stupid reason.. (I wish I had a locker at the Activity Center).

On Thursday, however, I ran on a tredmill and burned off 730 calories in about 45 minutes and jogged about 3.5 miles. I'm getting better... faster and can go for longer period of time. Today at work my back was killing me. Thank God I took a couple of Tylenol before I went to work.

My diet is going pretty good. I'm not really sticking to anything other then eating less then what I usually do, watching my portion sizes, not eating sweets, and not drinking soda or other really sweet drinks. So far so good, I think.

I have a garage sale in the morning. I have to wake up at 4AM so that I can get ready and go over to my parents house at 5AM to set up for the garage sale. YAY! Maybe we can make some money, I hope. We got to pay car insurance on Sunday...

Stress. Stress. Stress. It seems like when I get done with one major project, something else pops up in my life that requires me to stress and worry and work hard until it gets done. YAY.

By the way, I just had two interviews at another job that is much, much better then my current one. So, if you would, wish me luck or pray for me! Thanks, and good night.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Today is good.

Hello everyone,

Today is a marvelous day. I woke up next to my beautiful wife and got ready for the day. I'm staying later at school today so that I can get some paperwork done and study for an exam tomorrow. She has to work, unfortunately.

Today I'm going to eat something light for breakfast and then I'm going to make a peanut butter sandwich for dinner, because the flex (money) on my card is almost gone. For supper, I have no idea what I'm going to be eating. So - that's that. I am scheduled to exercise this morning at 9AM and I'm fixing to go up to the college.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I'm so excited!

Today is a new day, and I woke up this morning more unmotivated then ever. I didn't want to go to school or anything! Then I logged on to here and I saw that I had two comments and another follower! I'm so excited because someone is reading my blog. I hope that I am giving enough encouragement to others out there that need to lose a few extra pounds.

Yesterday I had a "veggie and salad" lunch because I was feeling on a good kick. It doesn't necessarily mean that's what I am going to do every day, however. Mainly just watching my diet and keep in the habit of exercising every single day.

My resting heart rate has gone down from about 110bpm to on average 70bpm when at rest. That's one of the reasons I know that my exercise is paying off. I'm no longer taking my herbal supplements to lower my blood pressure.

I tasted a coke the other day because I was curious to see how it would taste, and it was like carbonated syrup - nasty tasting to me now. Just to note, I am not drinking fruit juice either. That adds too many calories and sugar to my diet that I do not need.

I will also go over why I want to lose weight - In my family, there are many diseases that can be easily prevented by me losing weight. These diseases, such as diabetes, heart attack, heart failure, stroke, liver damage, other sugar based problems, and various addictions. Everything can be prevented by me simply losing weight and getting healthier. Though, I would like to lose weight, if I just feel better, improve my cholesterol, lower my resting heart rate, and generally fell better - I'm happy.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

bum camera SD card

Eh, I was going to post a picture of myself currently, however all of my current SD cards for my camera have apparently gone bad. I haven't been able to get a pic of myself lately, so I'm going to have to wait on getting a new card before I can actually post a pic. Sorry everyone.
In order to lose weight, you have to create a calorie deficient diet. This can be by either exercising excess calories off or eating less calories to begin with. I have chosen a lifestyle change that does both. I am eating fewer calories and I am exercising excess calories off. I aim to consume/burn off 500 calories per day. This lets me lose about 1lb per week without having to think too much about it.

The grapefruit diet is not endorsed by the mayo clinic in any way. It wasn't until the last decade that they actually came up with a diet that they endorsed. Basically what it does - it makes you lose a lot of weight very quickly. I'm not endorsing this diet by any means, because I believe in a lifestyle change which will keep the weight off long term.

This is what the Grapefruit Diet consists of:

Breakfast: Any type of meat and eggs. 8oz of white unsweetened grapefruit. Water all morning
Dinner: Any type of meat and salad. 8oz of white unsweetened grapefruit. Water all afternoon.
Supper: Any type of meat and vegetables. 8oz of white unsweetened grapefruit. Don't eat after 7:30. Water if you want it.

You start on a Monday, follow it for 12 days and then you can cheat on your 13th and 14th day. Then that following Monday you start again.

Basically, you can have as much meat and salad/vegetable as you want. You just can't have any sort of breads, cereals, or anything of that nature. What it does is you get all of your good fats in the morning and the grapefruit basically "lights the fire" and starts you burning fat. Granted, when you lose a ton of weight to begin with, you are mostly losing water weight and not fat.

I like the idea of this diet, but not so strict. I can see where carbohydrates can add a lot of additional calories that your body doesn't necessarily need. However, it adds a lot of good proteins and it forces you to eat more plants, which is a good thing. I don't know of the significance of the grapefruit as being such a "fat burner" However there are people who genuinely lose weight on this diet.

I am going to adapt the concepts to my diet - however I am going to cheat on it because I am exercising more. I don't see the need to completely do without carbohydrates in my diet. Because I am jogging pretty much every day, I don't want to lose my muscle mass by not eating them. Plus, when you body thinks you are starving, it's going to store fat and not want to give it up. (This is also known as a plateau.)

I am going to start eating eggs and oatmeal for breakfast, I might try drinking grapefruit juice at first... I'm going to cut down on eating so much carbohydrates, however I'm not going to give it up. I'm also going to keep eating an apple or orange in the afternoon for a snack. I'm not going to do it as a crash diet what-so-ever. If I feel like eating something - I'm going to eat it. (granted not as much.)

Thanks for reading!


I didn't report it, but I have lost another half of a pound this week! I haven't been watching my diet as much as I probably should, however I'm satisfied with another half a pound of fat loss. I know it's fat loss because I'm not on any sort of diet plan.

I'm getting pretty good at jogging. I'm able to run at 4.6mph for about 10 minutes and then I take a five minute break and then jog again for another five minutes and have a cool down period for five minutes on the Tredmill. I am trying to do a little bit of interval training by doing that.

I've also improved my weight lifting as well. I can bench press 135lbs with more repetitions now. I also wanted to see how many times I could lift the 45lb bar, and I did it about 75 times non stop. The last time I tried that, I could only get 56. So, my chest is getting stronger for sure. I've been doing assisted pull ups - and even then I can only do six to eight before I can't pull up anymore. I didn't know it, but when you do pull ups, you use muscles down your sides and under your arms as well... the little muscles.

Exercising is no longer a chore to me. I find myself wanting to get to the gym five days a week. My legs kind of itch to be worked out again. I'm in the habit now of going to work out, which is really awesome - that I have made that commitment and I'm sticking to it.

I just have to watch my diet more. I was talking to a lady at my work place and she gave me some instructions on the Grape Fruit Diet by the Mayo Clinic. I did some extra research and found that while this diet makes people lose weight, it's not something that I necessarily want to do. I'll post more on this in the next post.

Thank you followers! Please leave comments!

Friday, March 19, 2010

It's Friday!

Happy Friday everyone!

Our puppy (long hair chihuahua) Max fell off the back of the couch and broke his metacarpal bones on his left foot. We took him to the vet and they re-set his bones and put it in a splint and got some pain medicine. so, we got that taken care of. I got to go to work at 5, so I'm trying to get this in as quick as possible.

I've kept to my diet and exercise routine. I don't know if I have lost any more weight, however. I'll check it in a few minutes and see what I've done. I'll post results late tonight.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

It's my birthday

Yup, St. Patricks day. I'm pretty excited about it. I'm going to have some cake at my mom's house tonight. I know it's cake, but it's my birthday. It's not like I'm going overboard or anything.

This morning I woke up, got ready, and went to the activity center to jog and lift weights. I'm jogging at a constant 4.2mph and jogging about a mile in about 16 minutes. I'm increasing my jogging speed by .1 every other time I go and exercise. It's getting me up there slowly but surely. I do a 5 minute cool down as well. My heart rate stays at a pretty constant 168 when jogging. Last week it was at a constant 178, so it's come down a little.

It's getting easier to bench press 135lbs. My pectoral muscle are sore, as well as my tricepts. I know it's for a good cause. I'm not doing any lower body exercises because I'm jogging and that's enough exercising right there. I estimate I burnt around 400 calories today just by exercising alone. I burnt right at about 300 calories just by jogging and then I can guesstimate that I burnt around 100 or so weight lifting.

I'm also doing something that's called "interval exercises" where by which I'll jog for 10 minutes, walk for a minute, jog for ten minutes, walk for five minutes, then repeat the process again. I usually get in a little under 2 miles before I'm done.

People are starting to notice that I'm losing weight. My friend Blake A. Deron that owns, noticed that I was losing weight a couple of days ago. A couple of my wife's friends (and mine) noticed that I was starting to lose weight. So - I'm excited about that! It makes me want to keep on going and get down to the size that I want.

Josh, my work out buddy, didn't show this morning like he said he would. Doesn't matter though, I'm just trying to help him out. I'm going to be there regardless if I have someone there to talk to and work out with.

As far as my diet goes, I think I can/ feel/know that my stomach is shrinking. I can't eat as much as I used to and when I do over eat, my body has bad reactions to it. My body is also not liking milk for some reason. Every time I drink milk I get stomach cramps. The calcium in milk is good for you, but I think I could do without the hormones and extra calories anyways.

If I want something sweet, I'll get a little bit of it and try to savor the flavor. So far I have had wonderful self control. Self control is a big key to weight loss, I guess. If I wasn't so confident and motivated and didn't have as much self control, I probably would fall back into my old ways.

Like I said, I'm doing simple lifestyle changes to get the weight off. I'm only doing what I can do and will be able to keep doing it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Someone noticed!

I was visiting a friend that I haven't seen in awhile, and he said "You look good Seth, you been losing weight." And of course, I said "Why yes, I have been!" And then we had a brief talk about what I have been doing to lose the weight.

So, someone noticed! That just gives me more motivation to lose weight. I'm going to post another recent picture of myself so maybe you all can see the changes that he noticed. All I can notice is that my health is improving.

God, Geology is such a boring class. I couldn't care less about it. Give me the strength!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Results, and what I did to get them.

Hello world,

I started making small lifestyle changes last month in February. I stopped drinking soda, which was a major hurtle, and I continue to struggle with it. I have started eating less, and I can tell that my stomach has shrunk a little since then. I crave water more when I get thirsty. It's like a coke just won't quench the thirst - and my body craves water. I am no longer drinking or consuming a ton of caffeine like I was. I started to walk for a few weeks and right now I can muster up the strength and stamina to start jogging for long distances.

Month one:

1. Stop drinking soda! It's bad for you! See my old posts to discover why!
2. Watch portion sizes. Get rid of "ands" like burgers "and" fries. Just eat the burger.
3. Become more aware of your calorie intake. (buy a good book like Eat This not That.
4. Get off of caffeine.
5. Start walking or becoming more active in some way - at least 20 minutes a day.

Month 2:
1. Stop putting mayo on things. That's a big no no.
2. No more chips and other little high calorie snacks - go for the apples and oranges.
3. Eat more plants, but stay away from the Ranch "original" or caesar dressings.
3. Start taking a vitamin and mineral suppliment.
4. Start jogging.

And I haven't gotten into month three myself, but I am going to go ahead and post what I think I will do to further cut down my calorie intake and increase my exercise:

Month 3:
1. Possibly start halfing portion sizes and making up for it by drinking more water to fill me up.
2. Snacking on healthy snacks during the day when I get hungry.
3. Increase exercise intensity. I'm going to step it up a notch. I'm either going to increase my speed or increase the length at which I jog.
4. Become even more aware of what I eat and the choices I make.

Good so far

This morning I jogged a little under 2 miles and did a long cool down. Then I lifted weights - I'm getting pretty good at bench pressing the right way now. My chest is hurting because I'm doing more reps now! YAY! I still have to have a spotter.

I got a workout buddy for Wednesdays and Fridays. Josh said that he also needed to lose some weight, so I invited him to come and exercise with me. Hopefully he won't slow my progress very much - I don't think it will - if I get on the tredmill and jog while he walks or something.

Lunch was good today. I had a lot of veggies, and I wanted something a little sweet, so I got a fruit bowl and some strawberry yogurt made from unflavored yogurt. It was really good! I don't know what I am going to have for supper, but I know it's going to be something light. I need to work off a few extra calories for a piece of cake and icecream for my birthday on Wednesday. At least I'm not drinking soda pop anymore - that saves a ton of calories per day anyways.

Losing weight seems so much easier to me now then it did at the beginning of last month. Granted, I had to work into it by making small steps. I feel better - I feel more energized. I feel like I can go do anything that I need to do. I don't feel as stressed as I would have been, I don't think.

I think in my next post, I will post some good results that I have gotten so far.

Happy Monday!

I am going to go over to that activity center this morning and jog a mile and walk a mile and do some pushing exercises. I've been keeping myself together - jogging and walking on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays like I said I was going to. I also walk about a mile to a mile and a half on Tuesdays and Thursdays. So far so good on my diet. I'm fixin' to eat breakfast and then go.

I'll give updates later! ta ta

Sunday, March 14, 2010

It's Sunday!

good news everyone - I've lost 4.6lbs since the 2nd of this month.

I just made a thing of sweet tea, I used 1/3 cup of sugar and a ton of water/tea mix. I know that I am drinking a little caffeine, however it's not as much as I was consuming. I made it because I can't stand the taste of the tap water where I am living, and haven't had a chance to get by the grocery store to buy bottled water. The funny thing is that this sweet tea actually tastes sweet to me. I used to put at least a cup and a half (maybe more) of sugar in my tea to even taste the sweetness, and now I can taste the sweetness with only 1/3 of a cup!

As far as the physical labor goes, the job was not required of me. So, I am kind of relaxing this weekend - I have to work this evening at my other job. My wife is going to go grocery shopping this afternoon.

Speaking of groceries, I am seriously considering buying groceries from and picking them up at a local church. Times are tough right now, and we've been running low on funds for groceries lately. Doesn't seem fair. Anyone have good experience with this group who would like to share?

4.6 pounds in 10 days (I measured myself yesterday evening after eating) isn't that bad of a thing in my opinion. I have been working hard for it - but I haven't been over doing it in my opinion. Hopefully I will be losing on average 4lbs to 5lbs every two weeks because my body is used to it now. YAY! That's a very big hurdle for me, and I've overcome it!

Now it's time to lose the rest of it and I'm on my way. By the way, I have a motivation for losing weight. Check it out: I'm already saving for it - so when I do meet my 200lb goal, I can buy that sucker! My wife has already made an allusion that she was going to buy it for me for Christmas anyway. So, I guess I'ma gona tuck away $10 and $20 here and there when I can for the next six months.

Being a college student for so long sucks. After the next two years, I'll be ready to get into the job market and start a career. Hopefully I'll be happier then. Going to school and working - you never seem to have any money.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So, tomorrow I have an appointment with my lawyers to get the rest of the bankruptcy stuff done. I have to work for my parents really hard for the next ten days to take down some buildings and do some other stuff. But, it will be fine. I just to breathe - relax and enjoy life.

I'm not going to be doing any formal exercise until Monday next week because I'm going to be so sore working for my father. I'm also looking for a job - any part time job for a college student - something that I can keep going for the next two years before I graduate. I really want to move out of our friends house and get an apartment of our own.

Anyway, updates on losing weight: I have not taken my weight yet this week. I will probably do it tomorrow morning if I can remember to do it. My new pants seem a little looser.

That's all for now. Ta ta

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Hello World,

So far so good on my diet. Yesterday I ate veggies for dinner and today I had red beans and rice. I worked out this morning as well. Depending on when I get some paperwork done this afternoon, I might go for another walk with my wife when she gets out of class.

I feel better - healthier. Someone told me today that I looked like I was starting to lose some weight - so that gave me an even more bit of confidence boost. I'm exited that someone is seeing the physical changes. It makes me want to continue on and keep doing what I have been doing to lose weight. If I can lose another 15 to 20 pounds by this summer, I am going to start swimming at the natatorium.

I hear swimming is a great exercise. Laps will probably help me lose some extra fat pounds, plus I like swimming and being in water anyway. (I'm a pisces) The reason why I don't want to start swimming until this Summer is because I am embarassed right now of what I look like without a shirt on. I'm sure once I lose about 15 more pounds and put on a little more muscle - that I will feel more confident.

The biggest thing for me in this journey is that I KNOW for a FACT that I can control my environment, my food intake, and my expercise plan. I have control over the intensity and time of my workouts and I am doing whatever it takes to lose the weight that I want to lose. If you take anything away from this post it should be that: You can do this. You have control. You are responsible for you own body, and no one can sell you a magic bullet to lose weight.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Increased bench press weight

Today was another day. I'm proud to say that I made an 80 on that huge Geology exam that I was dredding. Now, tomorrow I have an easy Psychology exam and then I'm basically done for the week. Tomorrow, I'm taking the afternoon off and doing the rest of my bankrupcy paperwork and then finalizing the deal on Friday! yay!!!! So less stressed after I get over this week. I can't wait!

Today I walked two miles and lifted some light weights. I talked to someone in the gym that I have seen a lot there and he gave me some very useful information. Come to find out, I was doing a lot of the things wrong - The muscle groups I thought I was using, I wasn't. He said it's all about angles. So, right now I'm benching 135, which is 35 more pounds then I was doing two weeks ago. I'm not saying that I have gained the muscle quite yet - but I just have increased the weight by 35 pounds in two weeks.

As far as feeling healthier is concerned - I do feel healthier so far. I've set a goal: That I am going to buy that blowgun that I have wanted for awhile if I lose 10 pounds from when I started. Maybe this will give me some initiative and motivation to do the next five pounds.

Any advice?

What the spider says to the fly...

"What would you like for dinner?"

I have a Geology exam today. Yay - I'm going to wait a little while and take it online later today. I'm fixin' to go to the Activity Center and walk 2 miles and then come back over and take my exam. My next class is at 2pm, Louisiana History! That's a very long time to wait for a class, in my opinion. The good news is that most of my classes are canceled this week - so I have plenty of time to get paperwork done and things moving again. The reason I mention this is because my life is a little less stressful at the moment.

I've been cheating on my diet just a little. But, it's a here and there sort of thing. I make it up in eating smaller meals, and I watch how many calories I have been eating. I've been keeping my body guessing how many calories it's going to be getting - sometimes I'll eat 1500 calories a day or less and then the next day I'll eat 2100 calories. I heard this is one of the best ways to do it - but I haven't actually TRIED to do it, it's just been happening that way.

I'm enjoying eating breakfast in the mornings again. My stomach gets hungry and wakes me up in the morning. That hasn't happened in a long time!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Steps I have taken so far:

So, a couple weeks ago, I measured myself on a scale - instead of the Wii fit thing, like usual. It said that I weighed 266lbs. This morning, just for fun, I weighed myself again. It said 261lbs. So, this evening, I am going to try to weigh myself again on the Wii fit scale again, just to see if that might be correct. It's exciting! If I did lose weight, I would be about 5lbs of weight loss for my efforts!

I haven't actually put a lot of effort into losing the weight. Just small and simple changes in my lifestyle and diet. So, let me just reiterate some of the things that I have done so far:

1. Researched foods that are high in calories and bad fat. Then stayed away from them.

2. Quit drinking soda from day one - and have felt much better ever since. No caffeine in my system - even though I am considering drinking green tea.

3. No fried foods. If it has to be fried, I make sure that it is in EVOO. Although, Chick-fil-A has no entree/burger that is over 500 calories. So, if you want to make a meal and know that it's going to take 500 calories within your diet - you can eat it.

4. Eat healthy snacks. - get rid of all your junk food - if you have to have chips, eat Sun chips. Buy fruits and veggies. Throw away your ranch and get light ranch or a vinegarette.

6. More more. - start exercising - it will not only make you lose weight, but you will also feel better and be able to do more then usual. You will get a confidence boost and won't feel so out of shape. Your ego will increase - knowing that you can do something that you were previously unable to do.

7. Find support. - it can be from family and friends - or like me, on the internet. Just tell someone that you are trying to lose weight and ask them to help you by not letting you eat unhealthy foods. Or, tell someone that you have eaten something unhealthy so you will be able to feel guilty about it and then do something about it.

So, that's just some of the things that I have done so far. And so far, so good. I can't wait until the next 5 pounds comes off, so I can buy myself a blowgun!

Steps I have taken so far:

So, a couple weeks ago, I measured myself on a scale - instead of the Wii fit thing, like usual. It said that I weighed 266lbs. This morning, just for fun, I weighed myself again. It said 261lbs. So, this evening, I am going to try to weigh myself again on the Wii fit scale again, just to see if that might be correct. It's exciting! If I did lose weight, I would be about 5lbs of weight loss for my efforts!

I haven't actually put a lot of effort into losing the weight. Just small and simple changes in my lifestyle and diet. So, let me just reiterate some of the things that I have done so far:

1. Researched foods that are high in calories and bad fat. Then stayed away from them.

2. Quit drinking soda from day one - and have felt much better ever since. No caffeine in my system - even though I am considering drinking green tea.

3. No fried foods. If it has to be fried, I make sure that it is in EVOO. Although, Chick-fil-A has no entree/burger that is over 500 calories. So, if you want to make a meal and know that it's going to take 500 calories within your diet - you can eat it.

4. Eat healthy snacks. - get rid of all your junk food - if you have to have chips, eat Sun chips. Buy fruits and veggies. Throw away your ranch and get light ranch or a vinegarette.

6. More more. - start exercising - it will not only make you lose weight, but you will also feel better and be able to do more then usual. You will get a confidence boost and won't feel so out of shape. Your ego will increase - knowing that you can do something that you were previously unable to do.

7. Find support. - it can be from family and friends - or like me, on the internet. Just tell someone that you are trying to lose weight and ask them to help you by not letting you eat unhealthy foods. Or, tell someone that you have eaten something unhealthy so you will be able to feel guilty about it and then do something about it.

So, that's just some of the things that I have done so far. And so far, so good. I can't wait until the next 5 pounds comes off, so I can buy myself a blowgun!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

My weight loss so far:

I can tell that I have been losing a little weight off of my mid-section in the mirror. It's not much, but I can tell that my pants are getting bigger on me. I keep having to pull them up and tighten my belt. So, that's a good sign. I'm not so much concentrating on losing weight as I am concentrating on my health and overall wellness. I keep saying that because for those of you who are just joining me, I want to make that very clear.

Although losing weight and gaining muscle is a benefit overall, I know that I don't want to end up having a heart attack, stroke, diabetes or damage my arteries with high blood pressure. And, as a side benefit - if there's ever a zombie attack - the number one rule is Cardio. (for those Zombieland movie fans.)

If it comes down to it, those who survive the longest are also the smartest and most healthy of our species. I want to be one of those survivors. I want to live a long and healthy life - and that starts with one small change at a time.

Losing interest in blogging BUT!...

Like the tile says, I was almost losing an interest in blogging, even though my diet and exercise plan is going really well. Then, Sarah comes along - out of the blue and says she saw my plead for followers and has given me some encouragement to continue on.

My diet is going well. I'm figuring out small little meal replacements throughout the week. Right now, I think I'm going to get some ingredients to make home made tomato soup. It has about 100 calories (not including the crackers) and it will fill you up with just one cup. So, if you have it handy in your fridge when your in a pinch and hungry but don't want to cook anything - it's perfect. Here's the recipe:

Country Tomato Soup:

Makes 6 (1 cup) servings


2tsp olive oil
1 cup diced onion (1/4")
1 1/2 minced garlic
1 quart canned diced tomatoes in juice
1 quart low sodium vegetable broth*
3/4 cup diced peeled sweet potato (1/4")
1/2 cup tomato paste
2 tbsp granulated sugar
1/4 tsp black pepper
1 bay leaf


Heat oil in saucepan over medium-high heat. Add onion and garlic. Saute until tender, 4-6 minutes. Add remaining ingredients. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat. Simmer, stirring occasionally, 35-40 minutes. Discard bay leaf.

In blender, process soup in batches until pureed. Serve hot.

Calories: 100
Carbohydrates: 20g
Protein: 2g
Total fat: 1.5g
Saturated fat: 0.5g
Cholesterol: 0mg
Sodium: 385mg

You don't have to add the sweet potato if you don't want to. I think it's there for extra flavor, but since I'm not a big fan of adding crazy things to my food, I think even I am going to leave it out.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

today is a new day.

I went to bed at 9:40 last night, which is actually really early for me. My wife and I slept in until about 7:10 this morning, even though I had set the alarm for 6:01. (There's a 9 minute snooze.) So, plenty of sleep, I think. I was going to wake up early enough for Heather to go on a walk with me, but we didn't. I'm still trying to think of ways that I can exercise with my wife, but I haven't found any time slots just yet.

I went to the activity center this morning and walked one mile to warm up. Then I bench pressed 100lbs 10x for 3 reps. I know it's not impressive or anything - that's not the point. I'm just starting and I'm doing what I can. I did some other exercises in there, that I observed other people doing and did it myself. Mainly chest and tricep exercises today. Tomorrow is my bicep exercises. After I got done lifting weights I got on a tredmill and went for a one mile walk at 3mph. It kept my heart rate right between 130 to 138.

I noticed something very weird about my heart rate when I walked. If I held my breath, my heart rate increased. If I breathed normally it came down to 133-134. If I took long, deep breaths and relaxed my body as I walked, I could get my heart rate down to 128-129. What gives?

I'm going to try to get the tredmill working at home. See if I can start walking and doing pushups and situps at home, I won't have to go to the activity center every time I want to exercise. Even though they have some really nice equipment.

I noticed something else - I got on the Wii scale again, and it said that I had gained .02lbs back since the last time I measured it. Could it be fat gain or muscle gain? That was in the evening, after I had eaten. I don't know if that affects it or now - but working hard and cutting calories and then seeing that I am gaining weight is very discouraging. Though, right now, I'm having to tighten my belt one more notch then usual. I haven't seen any major physical difference in my body since I have started.

Anyway, that's all for now. Class is fixing to start. Offer any advice if you can!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Green Tea

I am researching green tea. I know that it has some caffeine in it, however, I think the benefits of green tea outweigh the detriments of the caffeine. Besides, it contains 10% less caffeine than oolong/black tea or other teas. If I am going to start drinking green tea, I'm not going to drink the sugar laden tea that you buy at conveinance stores. I am going to go to a health food store and buy a quality box of green tea. One cup a day shouldn't hurt my detox.

I'm still researching green tea, so I haven't made my decision yet. Any thoughts or suggestions?

It's another day and another penny earned.

I'm not working today, it was just a figure of speech. I ate some cereal for breakfast. I took a water to school but left it in my first class of the day. I'm in Geology right now. they are discussing the big bang theory in class. I have more education on this subject then what she is teaching in this class. Anyways...

I think I am going to go for a walk after this. It's not too cold outside and I am thinking about walking over to the activity center. I don't have anything to do until 2pm anyways. I mise well walk right now and get it over with for the day. I might, might might work on my biceps today. My chest and triceps aren't hurting as bad as I thought they would be. Tomorrow I'm going to be working on my chest again, doing some more bench presses. I'm going to try to work my way up on the bench press weight so that I can start doing real pushups at home.

I feel better now too... I have been walking and exercising for about two weeks now and I can tell a difference in my health. I compare my health to my ability to climb the stairs in Hanna Hall - well, they are getting better. I went up the stairs and didn't have any problems. I didn't feel my heart beating as hard. I haven't felt bad (aka high blood pressure) for a little while.

My detox is going very well too. I'm still not consuming any caffeine and I am able to sleep better then normal. Since I have been getting more sleep then usual I feel healthier. I feel better throughout my day. I tasted a coke yesterday and it was soo sweet to me. I don't think I want to go back. I find myself craving water when I'm thirsty instead of a sugar laden drink.

I'm glad I've taken these steps to improve my health. I know many people have probably told you in life already - but I'm saying it right now too - take care of your body - it's the only one you will ever have.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Monday monkey lives for the weekend

Finished my English paper just in time! I got to go to class in a few minutes.
I'm freaking out over my English paper. I know I shouldn't, but I'm glad that it's done and all I have to do is turn it in now. I'm glad - at least it's done and that way I can't get a zero for not turning it in. whew.

This morning I went for a one mile jog - I only jogged on the long stretches of track and walked around the short stretches of track. It was liberating! I am not as coordinated as I thought I would be, but that's ok, it can only get better.

After I jogged a bit and got loose, I went to the weight room and did a 30 minute workout. I feel good right now, but tomorrow I might be in pain. I did a ton of chest and tricep exercises. I did a couple of bicep exercises, but not anything too heavy. I bench pressed 75lbs 12 times, 3 reps. So - I mean, I could have probably put on more weight then that, but I just wanted to take it easy and see how sore I would be tomorrow. I'm not so worried about gaining muscle right now as I am losing fat. Exercising in any form will help me lose weight. After I did some weight lifting, I walked around the track a half a mile and started my day. I love exercising in the mornings, it seems like I have so much more energy!

As long as I can make exercising fun, I have more of a chance of making it a habit, and that's what I am going for.