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Sunday, February 28, 2010

It's Sunday!

Another day and all is well. I woke up and ate a breakfast of oatmeal and a small orange. I had water to drink. Then I went to church with Heather and Mrs. Penny and I have absolutely no idea what we are going to have for lunch. Probably something like a sandwich. I'm trying to make my biggest meal of the day be lunch - and eating a snack like an apple or an orange in the afternoon and then something really light for supper. I'm not having too many problems as of right now.

I know, however, that I am stressing out over this literary analysis paper that I'm supposed to be writing about why in an already violent movie/literature is one act so shockingly violent and what it tells us about the works as a whole. There's some other details, however I have chosen to write about kill bill vol. 2 and Ovid Book 13, Hecuba's revenge. Anyway, so I have that to write. Hopefully I can get it done in a few hours and have the rest of the afternoon to do whatever I please.

Today I also have to go over to the old apartment and get the rest of the stuff that we left there yesterday and turn in our keys. So, that moving project is almost all complete - now I just have to have a garage sale!

As far as exercising is going, I'm not doing it every day, but I am trying to do a little something every day, if you know what I mean. I know I need to get my magnetic biking machine over to Penny's house so I can bike on it for thirty minutes a day, regardless if I have exercised elsewhere or not. I think riding a bike in the morning or a few hours before bed time will not only help me loose weight, but help me sleep better.

I've been sleeping much better at night without caffeine in my system. I had a little sweet tea yesterday for lunch and I could tell because I wasn't able to sleep as easily last night. ugh! So, none for me. I'm still drinking plenty of water and making an honest effort to eat breakfast in the morning.

I haven't taken my weight yet this week, because I don't want to see if I have lost weight or gained it back - I'm kind of nervous! Maybe I will wait until next week to see if I have lost any weight. :D

Well, I think that's all for now. I got to start working on that stupid English paper! YAY!

1 comment:

  1. just found your blog - well done you , keep going - I am doing something similar
